BISTRI UM – Zavod za podjetnost mladih Maribor (SMART MINDS – ASSOCIATION FOR PROACTIVE/ENTREPRENEURIAL YOUTH MARIBOR) in its core focuses on empowering young people with proactive and entrepreneurial thinking in order to face the challenging job market of today. Association is the successor entity of the sole entrepreneur status of the founder, e.i. the upgrade entity that combines the coaching, educational and promotional capacities and has engaged in forming a team of young co-workers, professionals in the field of PR, career coaching & consulting and project management with the objective to offer necessary support to individuals at the beginning of their careers or at the early stages of development of their businesses.
The associations’ mission is to promote building on the entrepreneurial mindset and networking among youth early and during educational years – as a crucial feature to have later for any young person or young professional, whether they start solo career, are employed elsewhere or engage in voluntary work.
Recent project was launched in cooperation with the national TV, when the association initiated and produced an educational TV series called “First euro” (20 episodes throughout the 2014) which covered different skills useful for young employment-seekers or those starting their solo entrepreneurship careers (from CVs, interviews, business models, negotiations, job interviews, success stories, etc.). As LSS 2015 Organising Committee, Bistri Um, will act as a logistical team for all components to host LSS participants as smoothly as possible.